Waiting and drinking.
Enjoy yourself.
Morning has broken.
Sniffing & snoring.
Nice and easy.
Why kill time when you can kill
yourself in loads of beer.
Driving away from home.
- Drive she said!!
- What's that?
Tough guys don't dance.
- Que? I don't get it?
The daughter and the Landlady.
Snack break while watching football.
Greenwich, between the pub's.
Pub crawl at the Pub Farm.
- Always so nice.
Outside our favorite pub.
The Cleveland Arms.
Drink break.
The boys back were it all started,
years ago.
The only thing that really worked,
was the telly.
Happy after all.
- Is it a dagger, I see before me?
- Vykort!!
- Man måste göra morsan glad också.
Sleeping beauty.
S:t Paul's Cathedral.
On our way to some tropical club.
Some Spanish ladies.
- Don't do you, mind me!
Mixing and fixing the tequila knack.
The three amigos.
- Stick it up!
- See You!!!